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Terms and conditions (Click here for Norwegian version)


If you want to buy a kitten from us there are certain conditions you must accept and respect. It is very important to us that our kittens will find good homes, as pets or as part of a cattery. These are our general conditions. The contract will be more detailed and considered a legal document. 


  • The cat will be provided with both inside and outside space (outsidespace at least 10m2 and 2m height, with climbingfacilities) with plenty of daylight and activities. No free roaming (read our story on the front page), exceptions can be made if you live really, I mean really, far away from any roads. 

  • You have at least one other cat or dog in your home. Maine Coons are very social animals and should not be the only animal in your home. 

  • If you buy the cat as pet you have to neutralize it within the age of 6 months. If this term is broken the breeder has the right to take the cat back.

  • If you buy the cat for breeding and decide to neutralize it, the breeder must be informed and have option to buy the cat back.

  • If for some reason you can no longer have the cat, the breeder must be informed and we will decide what should happen with the cat. The breeder has first option to buy the cat back for a reduced price. 

  • You are commited to give the cat proper health care, yearly vaccination and vetchecks. 

  • The cat must have insurance because you never know what could happen, and surgeries are really really expensive. 

  • The cat must have acces to water and high quality food at all times.

  • The cat must have acces to a clean sandbox at all times. 

  • The cat will live with you as part of the family and not be left alone more than the length of a days work. 

  • You will accept my visit, announced or unannounced, and the cat should be in good condition. If the condition of the cat is poor due to lack of care, the cat will be taken back immidiately. 

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